Ironman Lake Placid

Ironman Lake Placid

Friday, January 18, 2013

21 Day Sugar Detox - Days 6, 7 and 8

So...this week blew up a bit.  I fully admit - I fell off the wagon a bit.  50% of my office is sick with the flu (it might even be more) and on Wednesday, I totally thought I had it.  That morning around 11ish, I started feeling really tired, congested, sore throat, itchy eyes - I thought I was dead man walking.  I could see my next week, laying on the couch watching horrible daytime TV.

Turns out, it was just sinuses.  I felt like a world-class schmuck for overreacting.  I got myself so stressed out and paranoid that I gave into a bit of temptation.  I had some crackers and dark chocolate.  Wednesday night I was still feeling kind of poopy so I didn't prepare any food for Thursday, so I had a rough day yesterday.  I tried to make the most of it when I got to work.  I had a salad and soup for lunch and a protein bar (as natural as I could find) for a snacky.

I'm BACK today.  I didn't like how I felt yesterday - I felt lethargic, tired, lack of focus.  It could have been the sinuses (which are still bothering me), but it also was probably my diet.  I gained a little back, but not too much (thank GOD!).  I'll re-group this weekend and will make sure this doesn't happen again.

I'm going on a cooking/baking binge this weekend, since I have Monday off.  So far, the plans are to make:

For workouts, I want to get in 1.5 hour a day of 'stuff'.  I'm not using Training Peaks to track my workouts anymore because I realized it was making me crazy.  Too many numbers, too many red, green or yellow workouts.  Instead (since this is the year of weight control), I'm keeping track on Strava and on a Google Doc.  I'll start adding my workouts to my daily-ish summaries starting tomorrow.

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