Ironman Lake Placid

Ironman Lake Placid

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Weekly Wrap-up, June 10-16 (and then some)

I didn't do a blog post last week because honestly - there wasn't much to talk about!  That injury I mentioned that I got during the Blue Hen 5K haunted me all week.  I tried a short run on Thursday but got two steps into it before it was done.  I know it was lousy timing, but to tell you the truth - I just took a break.  I did a lot of core work and a lot of stretching, which I'm reaping the benefit from now.  I didn't do a whole lot else - just that, plus I did watch what I ate.

I made it a goal to track everything I eat on MyFitnessPal between now and Ironman.  EVERYTHING.  Even the pizza slices for lunch, or the chicken fingers and fries (delicious).  Even if it's bad, it makes me more aware and lets me be more honest with myself about how I feel after I eat certain foods.  Now that I've been consistent with it for a week, I will try to eliminate some of the bad stuff (instead of getting chicken fingers and fries, I'll get a yummy salad).  Although, I made an awesome recipe for lunches this week, so maybe I won't even want to go out!

I'm back at it this week - below is what my training looked like (FYI - I'll probably get that core session in tonight while watching RHONJ).

My workouts this week went well - I thought they would, after the week of nothingness.  My ride on Saturday was great.  I broke it up into intervals:  4x30' @ zone 5 with 5' Rest Intervals.  I averaged a little less than 20mph during the intervals, which made me happy.  What made me ever happier was that I wasn't that sore the next morning when I woke up.  My body handled the workload fine.  I was pretty tired today during my ride, but that's to be expected (I still got 'er done!!).  It makes me think I can handle what's coming up, and also gives me some insight into how my taper should look for the middle of July (yeah - I still haven't planned that.  Need to finish thinking it out).

The Athlete Guide for Lake Placid came out.  (side note - I don't get why they don't assign bib numbers until two weeks before.  The race has been sold out for a year - they know who is going to be on the start line.)  The swim start is different this year - different direction and it's a time trial start.  I'm ok with switching direction (since I only breathe on my right side, so the switch actually works out better for me), but I'm not so cool with the time trial start.  Not that it matters competitively for me so much, but come on - it's Ironman!  If you cannot handle the mass start, then don't sign up.  It's that simple.  If I was more competitive I would be upset because I wouldn't have a good idea of how I'm doing my age group, but I'll save that concern for another year.  I would have preferred that they do wave starts based on age groups, but such you have to live the hand your dealt.

I started thinking of what I might want to do after Ironman is done.  I'm going to take August pretty much off (maybe the NorthEast Tri toward the end of the month), but after that I think I want to do the Philly Marathon and try to go sub-4.  I've never really (really!) trained for a marathon and I'd like to get close to qualifing for Boston.  We'll see - no decisions until at least three weeks after the race.  I've learned from experience to not decide on these things until I'm in a good frame of mind.

Until next week!

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